Sculpture Park
A Butterfly's Wings - Jack ByngAnne - Leo Mol
Audio Corridor - Ian Lazarus
Bell Measure - Stephen Cruise
Bilingualism - Hans Hennecke
Billy Goat Spring - Leszek Rymczuk
Business Man on a Horse - William McElcheran
Chicken and Egg - Morton Katz
Claim Post - Scott McKay
Composition with Five Elements - Haydn Davies
Consolation - Joe Rosenthal
Consophia - Ian Lazarus
Cordella - Maryon Kantaroff
Dancing Bear - Pauta Saila
Eve's Apple - Edwina Sandys
Flying Men - Dame Elisabeth Frink
From Ground to Ask the Sky - Royden Mills
Generations - Mark Williams
Kinetic Geode - Nicolas de Cosson
King and Queen - Sorel Etrog
Lady - Joe Rosenthal
Love for All, Hatred for None - Sidra Tahir
Morning Flight - Gerald Gladstone
Neighbours - Joe Rosenthal
Obelisk - Sigmund Reszetnik
Racing Horses - Derrick Stephan Hudson
Ribbon of Friendship - Xiaofeng Yin
Salutation - Ralph Hicks
Sisters - Morton Katz
Sisters II - Morton Katz
Space Plough II - Sorel Etrog
Tembo - Derrick Stephan Hudson
Tempo - Ronald Zerafa
The Columns
The Garden - Maryon Kantaroff
The Three Fates - Morton Katz
Tohawah - Anne Harris
Totem Pole - Wikinanish
Tower Song - Ted Bieler
Trees - Toni Putnam
Triptych - Gord Smith
Union 6 - Bruce Watson
Voyageur Canoe - Ralph Ireland