Facilities for Rent

Parks and Recreation offers more places and spaces for rental opportunities than any other organization in the City of Windsor. From swimming pools to banquet halls, from heritage manors to ice rinks, Parks and Recreation has locations in your neighbourhood for private parties, leisure activities, receptions and family reunions.
Please consider one of our 23 locations for your special events. Three facilities have contracted catering services: Mackenzie Hall, Willistead Manor and WFCU Centre. Also, the community centres including WFCU Centre allow for self catering. Malden Park Visitor Centre, shown above, is a chalet type facility available for rent.
For room availability, please visit www.ActiveWindsor.ca or call the facility of your choice.
Parks & Recreation
2450 McDougall Street
Windsor, Ontario
N8X 3N6
Phone: 519-255-1161
Fax: 519-255-7990
Email: parkrec@citywindsor.ca