By-laws Online
For general information on by-laws or to report a violation, contact 311. If you would like to read a particular City by-law that is not included in this selection, please contact Council Services by phone at (519) 255-6100 ext. 6285 or at by email.
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Also see Building By-laws.
Administrative Penalties - By-law 112-2013
- Keeping of - By-law 8156
- Feeding of Wild - By-law 67-2021
Business Licensing:
- Licensing and Regulation of Various Businesses - By-law 395-2004
- Body Rub Parlour - By-law 131-2011
- Short-Term Rental - By-law 115-2022
- Residential Rental - By-law 14-2023
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) - By-law 149-2024
Council Procedure - By-law 98-2011
- Registration, Licensing and Control of dogs - By-law 245-2004
- Keeping of Animals (See "Animals" above)
Draining, Vacant Yards, Lots - By-law 7373
Explosives - By-law 6366
Fees & Charges - By-law 392-2002
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 54-2007
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 78-2011
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 47-2012
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 66-2013
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 79-2014
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 166-2014
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 12-2016
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 48-2017
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 22-2018
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 59-2019
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 35-2020
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 64-2020
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 141-2020
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 40-2021
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 133-2021
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 24-2022
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 56-2023
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 114-2023
- Amend By-law 392-2002 - By-law 42-2024
Fees Parkland Dedication - By-Law 12780
Fence - By-law 170-2012
Fighting - By-law 37-2004
- Dumping or Placing - By-law 6938
- Yards and Vacant Lots - By-law 7373
Firearms, Regulate - By-law 2481
Fireworks - By-law 136-2004
Highways, Regulate Sale of Articles - By-law 10056
Ice & Snow Removal, from Sidewalks - By-law 8544
Idling of Vehicles and Boats - By-law 233-2001
Lotteries, Licensing - By-law 65-2007
Noise - By-law 6716
Open Air Burning - By-law 113-2023
Parking - By-law 9023 (Note: Due to their large size, we are unable to include the schedules for By-law 9023 online. To request a copy, please contact by email.)
Parks - By-law 131-2019
Property, Dealings with Real Property - By-Law Number 52-2014
Public Vehicles, Licensing and Regulation of - By-law 150-2018
Purchasing - By-law 93-2012
Selling on Highways - By-law 10056
- Sewer Connection Servicing - By-law 4921
- Sewer Use - By-law 11446
- Sewer Surcharge - By-law 13-2014
- Stormwater Service Charge - By-law 171-2024
- Wastewater Service Charge - By-law 172-2024
- Removal of Ice and Snow - By-law 8544
- Spitting on - By-law 519
Smoking - By-law 113-2006
- Removal of Ice and Snow - By-law 8544
- Prohibit Deposits on Streets - By-law 6153
Snowmobiles - By-law 12852
- Protection of Streets - By-law 25-2010
- Trees on Highways - By-law 135-2004
Traffic - By-law 9148 (Note: Additional schedules not included here. To request a copy, please contact the Traffic Department by phone at 519-255-6292.)
Vacant Home Tax - By-law 119-2024
Waste Collection and Disposal - By-law 2-2006
- Amend By-law 2-2006 - By-law 8-2014
- Amend By-law 8-2014 - By-law 22-2014
- Amend By-law 2-2006 - By-law 148-2014
Yard Waste, Exterior Property Maintenance & Littering - By-law 3-2006
- Amend By-law 3-2006 - By-law 7-2014
Zoning: Zoning By-law 8600, Zoning District Map, Zoning By-law 85-18, By-law 85-18 Maps