Job Seekers
Looking for work? Learn more about our services, resources and current job opportunities.

Are you en employer looking to hire? Do you need to retrain existing workers? Find out about available incentives and programs to help.
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Apprenticeship & Training
Find out more about becoming or hiring an apprentice, and about Second Career Strategies.
Read MoreEmployment & Training Services is open for business.
If you require additional information or an appointment, please call 519-977-6444, ext. 5520 or 5183, or contact us at ets@citywindsor.ca by email, and we will be pleased to set up an in-office or virtual appointment.
The City of Windsor’s Employment and Training Services (ETS) is an Employment Ontario service provider that provides employment services and one-on-one assessments to the public. We pride ourselves on high-quality, no-charge employment and client matching services that help reconnect unemployed/under-employed individuals with the right job opportunity.
We are committed to a hands-on approach that is results-oriented, with an emphasis on excellence and customer service. We provide clients and employers the tools they need for long-term sustainable employment.

Ontario's employment and training network