20-Year Strategic Vision

Vision document cover pageYour Mayor and Council are committed to changing the future of Windsor. Since the start of term, we have been working collaboratively to build on the past successes of previous Councils, while also looking ahead to the future. We all want our community to succeed.

We are embarking on a 20-Year Strategic Vision that will provide us with a reasonable picture of where we are headed as a city. It will be the cornerstone for the City’s future for this term of Council and beyond. We can have a bright future, but to get there we need to shape and plan our tomorrows. See the full report to learn more, starting with what we see as the three main goals for the next 20 years:

Mayor's Office
350 City Hall Square West
P.O. Box 1607
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 255-6315
Email: mayoro@citywindsor.ca

20-Year Strategic Vision Report, February 22, 2016: 20-Year Strategic Vision - Consultation Feedback & Proposed Project Allocation - City Wide Appendix A: Current and City Councillor's Project List Appendix B: Participant List – Targeted Consultation Sessions Appendix C: Strategy Corp Recommended Final 20-Year Strategic Vision Appendix D: Project Prioritization Matrix Appendix E: Allocation of City Councillor's Proposed Projects