Employment Support

Some participants require assistance in learning how to look for a job or understanding the local job market. Others may need coaching on how to prepare for a job interview or how best to represent their work experience on a résumé. Job search training workshops, self-help job searching groups, assistance with the Resource Centre tools and referrals to Community resources are available.

Financial Supports are available to assist Ontario Works (OW) participants with expenses incurred through volunteering, job searching or working:

  • Employment-Related Expenses (ERE) are available to support participation in employment measures, basic education and job-specific skills training and to support access to volunteer placements.

Financial Supports (ERE) to make participation in Ontario Works activities possible may include:

  • Necessary transportation
  • Clothing, grooming, and special equipment
  • Supplies and equipment
  • Minor fees such as certification changes, short training costs
  • Child care

Similar supports may be available to Employment and Training Services (ETS) participants based on income testing.

In Windsor call 311 for general information. For detailed inquiries, call Brycon Sweet (519) 255-5200 ext. 5361 or toll free at 1-866-925-2022.
Fax: (519) 255-1011 or (519) 255-1503
Email: socserv@citywindsor.ca

In Leamington call (519) 946-9988 or toll free at 1-866-925-2022.
Fax: (519) 322-3529 or toll free at 1-866-763-1222
Email: socserv@citywindsor.ca

For Employment and Training Services (ETS) call Ben Irwin (519) 977-6444 ext. 5527
FAX: (519) 977-5695
Email: ETS@citywindsor.ca

Drop off at Customer Care Centres:
Required documents or letters can be dropped off at any of the Customer Care Centres located in the various wards of the city. Please visit our Customer Care Centres page for a listing of participating locations and hours of operation.