Goal D Use Resources Efficiently
Goal D: Increase Resource Efficiency
To increase resource efficiency; conserve water and energy; and reduce waste.
Resource use is a part of daily life, but it can have harmful impacts on the environment and human health. Improving resource technology is a step forward, but the amount and quality of resource use needs to be addressed. This goal aims to have the City of Windsor and the Windsor community use energy in a responsible manner that reduces impacts on the environment and human health.
The Environmental Master Plan outlines 6 objectives to increase resource efficiency:
- Objective D1: Decrease community energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
- Objective D2: Decrease corporate energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
- Objective D3: Consider environmental design in newly constructed or retrofitted municipal buildings
- Objective D4: Increase the diversion rate of recyclable material at all City facilities
- Objective D5: Increase community waste diversion through recycling and composting
- Objective D6: Integrate environmental sustainability and climate change into Asset Management
What is Resource Efficiency?

For more information on environmental initiatives:
Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call 519-255-6100 ext. 6127.
E-mail: emp@citywindsor.ca