The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act dictates that employees of the City of Windsor Department of Social Support Services cannot divulge any information on an applicant or recipient without the signed consent of the person in question.
General Inquiries
Recipients of Ontario Works may access information pertaining to their assistance by phoning 1-800-808-2268
In Windsor call 311 for general information. For detailed inquiries, call (519) 255-5200 or toll free at 1-866-925-2022.
Fax: (519) 255-1011 or (519) 255-1503
In Leamington call (519) 946-9988 or toll free at 1-866-925-2022.
Fax: (519) 322-3529 or toll free at 1-866-763-1222
Drop off at Customer Care Centres:
Required documents or letters can be dropped off at any of the Customer Care Centres located in the various wards of the city. Please visit our Customer Care Centres page for a listing of participating locations and hours of operation.