
2007-2010 City Council Strategic Priorities

Our Economy: Cultivated and Competitive

  • That the City of Windsor work towards the development of a "brand" that will focus on attracting professionals, individuals and families, addressing the community's appearance and reputation in order to capitalize on opportunities for tourism, greater economic prosperity and enhanced community pride.
  • That the City of Windsor establish partnerships with all orders of government, the private sector, labour and other stakeholders to attract and retain investment that will diversity and sustain the City's employment base.

Our Society: Diverse and Caring

  • That the City of Windsor develop and implement a safe community strategy that will strengthen our neighbourhoods, focus on improving community and social services, policing, transportation and public places.
  • That the City of Windsor develop a comprehensive cultural master plan to build upon its diverse heritage and culture and promote linkages to tourism and family-oriented activities.
  • That the City of Windsor, with its partners, expand facilities, programs and events that may be enjoyed by its diverse community with a concerted focus on family oriented facilities, youth and seniors.

Our Environment: Clean and Efficient

  • That the City of Windsor work with residents, government and industry stakeholders to develop and implement a border route and crossing solution that improves the flow of cross border traffic, protects our neighbourhoods, enhances our quality of life and improves our environment.
  • That the City of Windsor develop and implement an infrastructure master plan that is systematic and sustainable and will first target the alleviation of basement flooding throughout the city.

Our Government: Responsive and Responsible

  • That the City of Windsor work cooperatively with its regional partners including the County of Essex, and its constituent municipalities, in Southwestern Ontario, Detroit and Southeastern Michigan to achieve economic, social and environmental improvements.
  • That the City of Windsor commit to greater communication with residents, businesses and stakeholders to improve the awareness of and participation in community programs and services.