Development Incentives
The City of Windsor provides financial incentives to encourage strategic investments and within a number of core neighbourhoods across the City. Click on the links below to learn more about Windsor’s development incentives and how to apply.
The Brownfield Redevelopment Community Improvement Plan (CIP) offers citywide grants and reduced development charges to help offset costs related to studying and cleaning up former industrial and commercial sites.
The Downtown Windsor Enhancement Strategy and Community Improvement Plan offers financial grants for new residential development, building improvements and retail enhancement under several different grant programs specific to the downtown area.
The Sandwich CIP offers targeted financial incentive programs to encourage new investment and assist in revitalization efforts aimed at the physical improvement of buildings and properties within this historic neighbourhood.
The Ford City Community Improvement Plan offers targeted financial incentive programs aimed at enhancing buildings and properties within the neighbourhood and connecting people with the street.
The Windsor Building Facade Improvement Program and Urban Design Guidelines CIP for Main Streets encourages physical improvement of building facades along traditional Main Streets within Business Improvement Areas.
Development charges have been significantly reduced for all types of development within the core area of the city. Rates for detached, attached, and multiple dwellings, as well as commercial development are less than 10% of the citywide rates. Industrial development is exempt from paying development charges.
Incentives are available to properties that are designated on Windsor's Municipal Heritage Register to encourage owners to invest in the conservation of heritage properties.
A new Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is being developed for the University Avenue West and Wyandotte Street West corridors from Huron Church to Crawford. Click the link above to review the Draft CIP and offer comments.
For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact us at:
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9A 6S1