Toilets Are Not Garbage Cans
Did you know?

Everything put in your toilet or drain goes to a wastewater treatment facility that is designed to treat human wastes, toilet paper and wastewater only.
Flushing paper towels and other garbage down the toilet can create sewer backups and overflows.
Medicines flushed down toilets can end up in streams, rivers and lakes.
Pouring fats, oils and grease down the drain can cause problems for your home's plumbing as well as the City's sewer system. Blockages due to grease can cause damage to homes including basement flooding, create health hazards and degrade our environment.
Tips to dispose of waste properly:
Scrape all food scraps into a composter or garbage can, not down the sink or toilet.
Properly dispose of all plastics, rubber and paper products by placing them in a recycling bin or garbage can.
Never flush medication down the toilet. Please dispose of items properly by returning them to the pharmacy.
Never pour solvents, paint, gasoline, used motor oil or house cleaners down the drains, sewers or onto the ground outside. Please bring these liquids to the Household Chemical Waste Depot.
Pour excess cooking fats and oils in an empty can and store in the fridge. The liquid will harden to form a solid and can be disposed of in the garbage can.
Clean up grease spills using an absorbent material (e.g. paper towel) and place it in your household garbage can.
Train your family members in good environmental practices.
Know how to dispose of items correctly:
Garbage (or recycle where indicated):
- Band-Aids, bandage wrappers
- Sanitary pads
- Sanitary tampon applicators
- Fruit stickers
- Disposable diapers
- Cleaning wipes
- Baby wipes
- Cotton balls, swabs or pads
- Hair
- Combs or brushes
- Razors
- Dental floss
- Newspaper (recycle or compost)
- Paper napkins (recycle or compost)
- Paper towels (recycle or compost)
- Rags, cloths
- Tights and pantyhose
- Condoms
- Toothbrushes
- Rubber or plastic items (e.g. Latex gloves)
- Food waste
- Cigarettes
- Fats, oils and grease
- Food waste (excluding meat, dairy, oils or fish)
- Newspaper
- Paper napkins
- Paper towels
Household Chemical Waste Depot:
- Motor oil
- Paint, solvents
- Antifreeze
- Medicines
- Syringes
For more information on environmental initiatives: