Participation in Registered Programs Indicator 2
The number of people participating in programs is an indication of an active community. The more people that participate, generally the more active, involved and healthier is the community.
The City of Windsor's Recreation Department is a leader in providing healthy living options for the community. Their mission is to offer residents and visitors diverse opportunities to improve their health and quality of life.
Communicating the in motion message
The City of Windsor publishes an Activity Guide three times a year. This Activity Guide lists leisure programs for all ages and interests, including sports, fitness opportunities and learning opportunities for pre-schoolers, youth and adults. Emphasis is also placed on environmental awareness with specialized programs offered at Ojibway Nature Centre including bird watching, nature walks and environmental workshops.
How is the City of Windsor doing?
In addition to the percentage of residents who participate in registered programs, thousands of others participate in public swimming, skating and other drop-in programs offered by the Recreation Department. Thousands more participate in organized leagues in city arenas, gyms and sports fields.

The percentage of the population participating in registered programs has remained fairly constant since 2007.
What is the City of Windsor doing to increase participation rates?
Communicating with the public is a major focus for Recreation. The Activity Guide is published three times a year: early December (Winter/Spring), early May (Summer), early August (Fall). A total of 70,000 books are produced: with 60,000 delivered through the Windsor Star and 10,000 books available through libraries, community centres, doctor's offices, etc. An online version of the Activity Guide is also provided at in addition to online information and registration services at Active Windsor. Recreation also administers a pro-active media relations program producing approximately 160 public service announcements per year and lists programs and events on Cogeco Cable, plus customized flyers, newsletters and displays at public events.
What can you do to increase participation?
Pick up a copy of the Activity Guide and see if there's something there of interest for you or a family member. If you have an idea for a program, talk to the supervisor of your community center. The Recreation Department is eager to expand its programming and looks for suggestions from the community. To be fiscally responsible, Recreation sets a minimum number of registrants for the program to operate. Ask friends to sign up with you to ensure that programs are offered.
For more information on Environmental Initiatives
- Phone: For general inquiries call 311. For detailed inquiries call 519-255-6100 ext. 6127.
- Email: