Environmental Information Site

Objective E5: Maintain a Web-Based Environmental Information Site

The following actions are needed to complete this objective:

  • Maintain the Environmental Master Plan website, which includes:
    • Windsor’s current environmental initiatives, programs and policies
      • Report on the State of Our Environment indicators:
        • Contact information
        • References
        • Links to more information
  • These indicators show the progress the City is making to achieve this objective:
    • Current Environmental Master Plan website
    • Number of visits to the website

Number of Users to the Environmental Website Indicator

One of the many challenges to improving the City of Windsor's environment is increasing awareness. This website was developed to track environmental indicators over time, educate residents on the City of Windsor's environmental programs and initiatives, and promote how individual actions can help make a difference.

One measure to determine the level of public interest in our environment will be to monitor the number of visitors to this site.

Promotion of the City of Windsor's environmental initiatives will not be limited to this website. As much as possible, public meetings, events, brochures, etc. will be used to keep the public informed on environmental initiatives from the City of Windsor.

How is the City of Windsor doing?

Graph representing the Number of visits to the environmental master plan website, as summarized below.

As shown in the chart above, the number of visits to the Environmental Master Plan website has averaged approximately 3,000 visitors annually. The number of people who visit the Environmental Master Plan section of the City of Windsor website is one indicator of the level of public interest in our programs and projects. It can also indicate how aware people are of theCity's programs/initiatives.  

What is the City of Windsor doing?

The Environmental Master Plan website and associated pages will be updated as frequently as required to ensure that the data and information provided is as comprehensive and concise as possible.

  • The City of Windsor will continue to promote both the website and the Report on the State of our Environment, which will be updated approximately every four years.

What can you do to improve this indicator?

  • Visit this site often. The website will be updated frequently with new information and to promote upcoming events.
  • Tell a friend. Share this information with friends, family, and co-workers to help us spread the message.
  • Provide comments and feedback on the website and report to emp@citywindsor.ca

For more information on environmental initiatives:

Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call 519-255-6100 ext. 6127.