Corporate Environmental Education Strategy
Objective E4: Develop a Corporate Environmental Education Strategy
The following actions are needed to complete this objective:
- Identify focus areas for an environmental education strategy – likely focus on individual actions that staff, Council and contractors can take to improve the City’s environment.
- Develop an environmental education strategy to:
- Focus on individual actions that can be taken to improve the environment, including but not limited to solid waste management, recycling, sewer use, climate change and energy.
- Develop training material for new staff to expose them to the Environmental Master Plan.
- Develop incentives to encourage participation in environmental activities and events.
- Use creative methods for information dissemination about environmental activities (i.e. weekly email, information sheets, awards, prizes, quarterly information sessions).
- Develop ways to recognize environmental leaders and achievements across the corporation.
- Set up an Environmental Champion program for all facilities where the champion is responsible for ensuring environmental measures in their facility are functioning properly. This could include recycling receptacles, energy saving measures, environmental information, etc.
- Establish a Green Team to generate new ideas and help develop and coordinate environmental activities within the corporation.
These indicators show the progress the City is making to achieve this objective:
- Environmental Champion program
- Green Team
For more information on environmental initiatives:
Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call 519-255-6100 ext. 6127.