Improve Quality of Natural Areas and Wetlands
Objective C7: Protect, Enhance and Expand the Quality and Condition of our Natural Areas and Wetlands
The following actions are needed to complete this objective:
- Develop management plans for our unique and rare ecosystems in Windsor: the Ojibway Prairie Complex, Peche Island and South Cameron Natural Area.
- Prepare management plans for natural area components and individual sites:
- Identify issues that are currently impairing the quality of the natural area (i.e. habitat fragmentation/degradation, invasive species, incompatible human uses, littering, vandalism, erosion, etc.).
- Identify strategies and actions to address the various issues and enhance our natural areas.
- Implement management plans and actions (i.e. actively managing tall grass prairie by prescribed burns).
- Continue to implement Species at Risk protection measures in all areas of Windsor and develop strategies to improve their status.
- Monitor the quality and condition of our natural area components (i.e. integrity, biodiversity, health, etc.).
- Provide multi-use buffer zones around natural areas and wetlands.
- In conjunction with the creation of an Urban Forest Management Plan, conduct a canopy cover study of the city and set a new goal to increase the City’s canopy cover.
These indicators show the progress the City is making to achieve this objective:
- Natural Area Management Plans
- Urban Forest Management Plan
- Canopy cover study
For more information on environmental initiatives:
Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call 519-255-6100 ext. 6127.