Enhance and Increase Natural Shade
Objective C13: Enhance and Increase Natural Shade as a Climate Change Adaptation Measure
The following actions are needed to complete this objective:
- Continue to research the urban heat island effect and its impact in Windsor.
- Enhance tree coverage to reduce the human health risk of heat.
- Promote additional health benefits of natural shade in reducing ultraviolet radiation exposure.
- Plan for dense shade in parks, playgrounds, spectator areas of sports fields and other public spaces frequented by children and vulnerable populations.
- Ensure active transportation routes are planned with natural shade.
- Review tree species for viability under a changing climate and adjust tree planting practices accordingly.
- Incorporate Best Management Practices for naturalization and tree planting. Use local seed for the propagation of trees and incorporate assisted migration studies and practices where applicable.
- Undertake assisted migration of tree species to minimize the risk to canopy cover due to climate change.
These indicators show the progress the City is making to achieve this objective:
- Number of trees planted and removed
For more information on environmental initiatives:
Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call 519-255-6100 ext. 6127.
E-mail: emp@citywindsor.ca