
Museum Windsor Exhibits
Chimczuk Museum
410 Riverside Drive West, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Permanent and Temporary Exhibits. The Chimczuk Museum is a premiere museum destination for both residents and visitors to the City of Windsor. The facility houses permanent exhibits, travelling and temporary exhibits and exhibitions, and a state-of the art children's gallery.
Maison François Baby House Exhibits
254 Pitt Street West, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Permanent Exhibits. The Maison François Baby House is an historic residence that was owned by the prominent local politician François Baby. The house was known as La Ferme locally and was a French-Canadian ribbon farm that has historical ties to the War of 1812, where it was used as a headquarters by both the American and British forces. Today, the François Baby House has been designated as a National Historic Site of Canada and, as part of Museum Windsor, houses permanent galleries on Francophone Heritage, the War of 1812, the Battle of Windsor and the history of the home itself; visible storage; and museum archives.
Museum Windsor
254 Pitt Street West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9A 5L5
Phone: For general information, call 311.
For detailed inquiries, please call (519) 253-1812.
Email: wmuseum@citywindsor.ca Museum Windsor Online Archive Maison François Baby House Exhibits Chimczuk Museum Exhibits