The Friends of the Court

The City of Windsor commissioned a study which demonstrated this historic building's new potential as a cultural centre. Mackenzie Hall was the name chosen to honour its builder-stonemason and Prime Minister of Canada Alexander Mackenzie. Mackenzie Hall was designated under the Ontario Heritage Act in 1978.
Friends of the Court Report
This recent illustrated report gives an informative summary of the cumulative contributions of The Friends of the Court.
These invaluable gifts help facilitate Mackenzie Hall's continued operation as a community cultural centre.
Dedicated volunteer labour and ingenuity have funded more than $1 million to enhance the Hall's development.
The Friends of the Court Volunteer Opportunities:
The Friends of the Court does work throughout the year to ensure that Mackenzie Hall remains a vibrant cultural centre. Please feel free to contact us at the phone number or e-mail below if you are interested in volunteering.