East End Transit Terminal - Transit and Rail Project Assessment Process

In 2024, the City of Windsor initiated a Transit and Rail Project Assessment (TRPAP) for a new transit terminal in the east end of Windsor. The terminal is planned to be located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Lauzon Parkway and Tecumseh Road, as shown below:

Map of East End Terminal project location at at the northwest corner of the intersection of Lauzon Parkway and Tecumseh Road

Notice of Study Completion

Environmental Project Report

  • Public Review Period (January 15, 2025, to February 14, 2025)

The environmental impact of this project is being assessed in accordance with the TRPAP, as prescribed in Ontario Regulation 231/08. An Environmental Project Report (EPR) is being prepared to document the preferred design, consultation completed, impact assessment, and mitigation measures. 

The EPR is now available for a 30-day review period from January 15 to February 14, 2025, at the links below. Hard copies of the report are also available at the locations listed in the Notice of Completion above. 


Public Open House

A public open house was held in the Ontario Room at the WFCU Centre on June 27, 2024.

Drawings and information about the preferred design, anticipated impacts, mitigation measures, and next steps were displayed for viewing. Project team members were available to discuss the project and respond to comments and questions. 

Contact Us

If you have questions, comments, or wish to be added to the project mailing list, please contact either of the project team members listed below.

Chris Patten, P. Eng.,
Project Manager
Dillon Consulting Limited
3200 Deziel Drive, Suite 608
Windsor, Ontario, N8W 5K8
Phone: 519-948-4243 ext. 3210
Josie Liburdi, C. Tech 
Project Coordinator
The Corporation of the City of Windsor
350 City Hall Square West, Suite 310
Windsor, Ontario, N9A 6S1
Phone: 519-255-6100 ext. 6145