Engineering Best Practices
BP1 - Sewers
- BP1.1 - Commercial
- BP1.1.1 - Connections to Combined Sewers - Revised
- BP1.1.2 - Sanitary Sampling Manhole
- BP1.3 - General
- BP1.3.2 - Storm Connections to Roadside Ditches & Municipal Drains
- BP1.3.3 - Abandonment or Reuse of Private Drain Connections - Revised
- BP1.3.4 - PDC Failure and Subsequent Hazard in the City Right-Of-Way
BP2 - Driveways & Access
- BP2.1 - Commercial
- BP2.1.1 - Commercial Driveway Approaches and Deceleration Lanes - Guidelines for Use of Curbs
- BP2.1.2 - Channelized Traffic Islands
- BP2.2 - Residential
- BP2.2.1 - Driveway Requirement Policies - Residential - Revised
- BP2.2.2 - Front Yard Parking Policy - Revised
- BP2.2.3 - Temporary Construction Access - New Residential Building
- BP2.3 - General
- BP2.3.1 - Driveway Approaches - Revised
- BP2.3.2 - Alley Access - Revised
- BP2.3.3 - Re-setting/Repair of Interlocking Brick Driveway - New
BP3 - Right-of-Way
- BP3.1 - Commercial
- BP3.2 - Residential
- BP3.2.1 - Concrete Curb and Gutter Repairs - New Residential Development Only
- BP3.2.2 - Landscaping in the Right-Of-Way
- BP3.3 - General
- BP3.3.1 - Corner Cut-Offs
- BP3.3.2 - Decommissioning of Boreholes and Monitoring Wells Under Pavement Structures
- BP3.3.3 - Backfill of Ditch, Swale, Trench Fronting a Residential or Commercial Property
BP4 - Miscellaneous
- BP4.1 - Commercial
- BP4.2 - Residential
- BP4.2.1 - Development Securities - Revised
- BP4.3 - General
- BP4.3.1 - Pavement Widening on Local Roads
- BP4.3.2 - Servicing Charges and Sewerage Fees
- BP4.3.3 - Environmental Pollution Liability
- BP4.3.4 - Canada Post Community Mailbox - New
Engineering Department - Right-of-Way Division
350 City Hall Square West, 2nd Floor, Suite 210
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (holidays excepted)
Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquires, call (519) 255-6257.