Wastewater Fee Revenues at Work

What is the wastewater fee revenue used for?

The City currently maintains approximately 1,800 kilometres of varying types of sewers in our system with replacement costs estimated at $1.2 billion. Furthermore, there are two water treatment plants, 45 pump stations, a new storm retention treatment basin (RTB) and other associated equipment that add hundreds of millions of dollars to the cost, likely bringing the total investment to the range of $2 billion. The corporation has a significant investment in assets associated with wastewater collection and treatment that needs to be maintained.

Total projected sewer surcharge revenues:

  • Total wastewater fee revenue is projected to be approximately $62.7 million in 2025 (annualized).
  • The wastewater fee rates were developed to generate the wastewater fee revenue projected to be required in the 5-Year Wastewater Plan.

Good news for the environment and basement flooding:

The City's investment in the secondary treatment of wastewater at the Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant will have significant environmental benefits by dramatically improving the quality of water discharged into the Detroit River. The recommendations from the sewer master plan will allow the City to continue to improve and add infrastructure to mitigate the effects of climate change and the inherent risks of flooding.