Concrete, Dirt, Brick Disposal

  • Dirt: Small quantities of residentially generated dirt will be accepted at the Public Drop Off Depot as garbage only if a resident cannot find another way to reuse the dirt. Only one pickup truck no larger than a mid-size truckload (1.5 yards) of dirt will be accepted. Tipping fees will be applied.
  • Small quantities of residentially generated and hauled concrete, rubble and bricks will be accepted at the Public Drop Off Depot. Only one pickup truck load of concrete will be accepted. Tipping fees will apply.
  • Large quantities of "clean" concrete, "clean" asphalt or "clean" cement blocks may be disposed of at Windsor Disposal Services Ltd. (WDS), 2700 Deziel Drive. Phone: 519-944-8009. Please call ahead to find out hours and charges. "Clean" indicates no dirt or metal rebar/bracing attached to the concrete or asphalt.

Public Works, Environmental Division
3540 North Service Road East
Windsor, Ontario
N8W 5X2

Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call (519) 974-2277 ext. 3121.
Fax: (519) 944-3161