Alley Maintenance
Maintenance of Alleys:
For those homeowners who continue to receive alley garbage collection service, there is a "Maintenance of Alley" code, which reads:
- "Every owner or occupant of land which abuts on an alley is responsible to keep to the middle line of the alley, clear of all weeds, litter and other rubbish. Any person found in violation of this Chapter is liable to a fine of not more than $5,000.00.
- If you are not currently complying with the above, we request your co-operation in doing so in the future.
- If you are maintaining the alley in a sanitary and safe condition we thank you for your concurrence with the Municipal Code.
- If a neighbour is not complying and is creating an unsightly/unhealthy condition please call 311 to arrange for an investigation by the Compliance and Enforcement Unit of the Building Department.
Public Works, Environmental Division
3540 North Service Road East
Windsor, Ontario
N8W 5X2
Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call 519-974-2277 ext. 3121.
Fax: 519-944-3161