Enforcement Process

  • An Inspector will contact your landlord or agent to advise of any defects found and enquire what action will be taken to complete repairs.
  • The tenant will be contacted by a Property Standards Inspector to arrange a suitable time for an inspection to confirm the deficiencies when there is no indication the problem is being corrected.
  • After the Inspector confirms the deficiencies, an Order will be sent to the owner or agent listing deficiencies to be repaired within a prescribed time.
  • An inspection will be made after the compliance date to confirm if the repairs have been done, if complete the file is closed.
  • Where the owner fails to resolve the deficiencies in the Order and does not appeal the Order, the Order becomes final and binding. The City may then commence legal action.

Building Department
350 City Hall Square West, 4th Floor
P. O. Box 1607
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1

Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquires, call 519-255-6267.
Email: buildingdept@citywindsor.ca