Environmental Planning
Managing land use activities for a healthy and sustainable environment is integral to improving the quality of life within a community. The City of Windsor is committed to improving the quality of life for all residents.
A healthy, sustainable environment represents a balance between human activities and natural features and functions.
The Environmental Quality section of the Official Plan addresses the health and integrity of our natural systems. The policy framework within the Environmental Quality section of the Plan provides the basis to maintain and improve ecosystem functions within the urban areas and specifically address:
- The Greenway System
- Natural Heritage
- Environmental Policy Areas
- Candidate Natural Heritage Sites
- Urban Forestry
- Atmospheric Air Quality and Water Quality
The Environmental Management section of the Official Plan addresses how the City will integrate growth and development in a manner that is complementary to the natural environment. The policy framework within the Environmental Management section addresses:
- Aggregate Resource Sites
- Mineral Mining Sites
- Wayside Pits and Quarries
- Noise and Vibration
- Floodplain Areas
- Shoreline and Floodprone Areas
- Potentially Contaminated Sites
- Waste Disposal Sites and
- Pollution Control Plants
Implementation of the City's Environmental Planning program is realized through a number of avenues such as Secondary Plans, Support Studies, Zoning, Site Plan Control, Subdivision and Condominium Approval, Committee of Adjustment, Land Stewardship, Jurisdictional Coordination, Public Participation, and ongoing monitoring and review.
To assist the Planning Department in the technical review of environmental reports and matters related to policy direction, the City utilizes the expertise of an advisory body known as the Environmental Planning Advisory Committee (EPAC). EPAC has the mandate to make recommendations on matters related to the Official Plan and development applications to planners and City Council.
For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact us at: