Regional Cooperation

Inter-Municipal Planning Consultation Committee (IMPCC)

2007 report on regional co-operation front pageEssex County Council and Windsor City Council adopted policies in 2002, as part of their respective Official Plan documents, to establish and maintain a formal protocol to coordinate and address planning matters and issues of an inter-municipal and regional nature, (Section 4.11 of the Essex County Official Plan and Section 10.5 of the City of Windsor Official Plan). This protocol led to the establishment of the Inter-Municipal Planning Coordination Committee (IMPCC) with membership consisting of the planners from the City, the County and the seven lower tier municipalities.

Annual Report 2007

  • In accordance with the mandate of this committee, senior municipal planning staff from across the Windsor-Essex Region have prepared an Annual Report.

Although this first generation Annual Report has been formally prepared in response to a requirement in the City and County Official Plans, it was done in such a way to encourage discussion, formulate new ideas and provide the springboard for a heightened awareness of the breadth of issues facing the region and the associated opportunities for change.

As noted in this Annual Report, "Place Matters". Where we live, work, and play are important factors that affect the overall health and well being of existing residents of the Windsor-Essex region, and will greatly influence the quality of life for their children and grandchildren. Windsor City Council and Administration have already embraced many of the principles that are contained within the "Healthy Places, Healthy People" document: by protecting our remaining natural heritage areas; by creating an extensive network of trails and sidewalks that inter-connect existing and planned neighbourhoods and mixed-use town centres so that children and adults of all ages and abilities can lead healthier and more active lifestyles; and by promoting and creating more compact and pedestrian-oriented built environments.

For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, contact:

Planning & Building Services Department
Planning Division
2nd Floor, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 255-6543
Fax: (519) 255-6544