Rediscover Our Parks - Parks and Outdoor Recreation Master Plan

Rediscover our Parks cover page, including collage of flowers in bloom, the riverfront and Peace Fountain, and a boardwalk over a pond

Rediscover Our Parks is the City’s Parks and Outdoor Recreation Master Plan.

This high-level document identifies the needs and recommendations for consideration within the parks capital and operational budgets for the next 20 years.


  • “To provide a robust parks and recreation experience for all to enjoy.”


  • “To sustainably develop and maintain parkland and recreational activities with our natural and cultural resources; fostering economic growth within the city, while cultivating a quality of life for diverse, healthy, active and livable neighbourhoods.”

The Master Plan has been named Rediscover Our Parks as the focus is to promote the existing parks system for people to rediscover.

The recommendations found within the document have been compiled from the previous consultations and survey results, as well as a document review of what other municipalities are doing to ensure that the City of Windsor is providing up-to-date recreational experiences for the community.

In total, the Master Plan makes 115 recommendations, including 41 additional studies and 21 policies or policy amendments to be completed over a twenty-year period from 2016 to 2035. While some of these recommendations may be acted upon immediately, some will require additional information, funding and support from other levels of government or agencies.

Many of the recommendations are broad stroke and call for further public consultation at the site specific (park) or park level to be completed.

The Plan: Rediscover Our Parks

The layout has been designed to fit best on landscape 11 by 17 (tabloid) size paper for printing.

This document and the individual chapters have also been saved as separate portable document format (PDF) files for convenient downloading.

For general information, please call 311. 

For detailed inquiries, please contact:

Parks and Recreation
2450 McDougall Street
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N8X 3N6
Telephone: (519) 253-2300
Fax: (519) 255-7990

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