Drinking Fountains

The following park locations have seasonal drinking fountains traditionally open from early May to late October, subject to weather conditions and the need to winterize each facility:

  • Atkinson Park - west side of the building near community garden - On
  • Central Park - near the tennis courts - On
  • Centennial Park - goat fountain - Off
  • Centennial Park - blue stand alone with dog bowl - On
  • Festival Plaza - Off - (unavailable while the area is under construction and due to the fountain being vandalized)
  • Forest Glade Park - at splash pad - On - drinking fountain and bottle fill station
  • Great Western Park - at Bert Weeks Fountain - On - turned on while fountain is operational
  • Jackson Park - at sunken garden washroom - On
  • Kiwanis Park - On
  • Lanspeary Park -by the pool - Off
  • Mic Mac Park - Soulierre baseball diamond - On 
  • Mic Mac Park - near the pool - On 
  • Oakwood Park - south side of Capri Pizzeria Recreation Complex, beside dog park - On
  • Reaume Park - at the concession stand - On
  • Remington Booster Park - near the pool - On
  • Sand Point Beach Park - On
Parks and Recreation
2450 McDougall Street
Windsor, Ontario

N8X 3N6

Telephone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call (519) 253-2300.
Fax: (519) 255-7990
Email: parkrec@citywindsor.ca