Flower Gardens
Parks and Recreation offers non-profit agencies, service clubs and conference organizers an opportunity to get name recognition in beautifully designed floral gardens.
Consider having your group's name in Jackson Park designed and planted by the Parks and Rec horticultural team using elegant and interesting plants.
Two floral gardens are available in Jackson Park at the cost of $675 (plus HST) per garden. The garden will be on display for six months. Both gardens are located in the west side of the park: one facing Ouellette Avenue is viewed by passing traffic, and the other faces into the Jackson Park Sunken Gardens.
Parks and Recreation
2450 McDougall Street
Windsor, Ontario
N8X 3N6
Telephone: For general information call 311.
For detailed inquiries call (519) 253-2300
Fax: (519) 255-7990
Email: parkrec@citywindsor.ca