Mayfair Park

2539 Chandler Road
Mayfair School closed down in 1971 after 44 years of operation. At the time of its closing, the Department of Parks and Recreation began leasing the six‑room school house from the Board of Education for $1 per year, offering children's craft programs for several years. Until 1978, the facility was used by various local groups, including the Essex County Mineral and Gem Club, the Windsor Camera Club, and Alcoholics Anonymous.
Improvements to Mayfair Park were carried out in two phases. In 1984, the City spent $65,000 installing basketball courts and playground equipment at the park. Fencing, an asphalt parking lot, and general planting were added in 1987 at a total cost of approximately $34,000. Today, Mayfair Park is equipped with playground equipment, a soccer field, park benches, and basketball courts.