Windsor Reopens

Windsor Reopens

Windsor Reopens is the City of Windsor’s plan for the reopening phases of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In our state of readiness, we will ensure that our staff and the public have confidence in our ability to provide a safe environment for them. This will be accomplished with thorough planning and preparation, and a careful, measured return to service.

Factors we will consider include provincial orders, Medical Officer of Health directives, industry-specific guidelines, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) task force input, third-party stakeholders (e.g. courts, tenants) and the experience of other municipalities.

As of June 25, 2020, Windsor-Essex is currently at Stage 2 of the Province of Ontario's reopening plan, which recommends consideration of the following:

  • Opening more workplaces with significant mitigation plans
  • Opening more public spaces
  • Allowing some larger public gatherings
  • Continued protections for vulnerable populations

With provincial guidelines in mind, we aim to provide the maximum amount of service possible while keeping staff and the public safe; ensuring fiscal responsibility and responsiveness to community needs; and getting staff back to work (e.g. through their home jobs or vital redeployments) as quickly as possible.

More Info on COVID-19 and the City of Windsor:

For general information on municipal services or to request a service, please call 311, download the 311 app or email