Restoration Projects at Willistead Manor

The City of Windsor oversees restoration projects at the historic Willistead Manor Complex, which includes the main Manor House, the Coach House, the Gatehouse, and the surrounding Willistead Park. The goal of all restoration work and projects is to protect, preserve and restore Willistead Manor.
Current restoration projects include:
Phased enhancements for the Coach House Historical Exhibition (2022 to 2024)
Upcoming restoration projects include:
Exterior painting (2023 to 2024)
Restoration of the perimeter fence (to be determined)
Refurbishment and repaving of the main courtyard (2024)
Repaving the parking lot (to be determined)
Restoration of the basement and associated infrastructure (to be determined)
Past restoration projects include:
Foundation waterproofing in the Paul Martin Gardens (2023)
Resurfacing the terrace in the Paul Martin Gardens (2023)
Resurfacing the north terrace (2023)
Replacement of the cooling system (2022)
Removal of carpeting and complete restoration of wood flooring in the Saltmarche Gallery (2020 to 2021)
Upgrading and modernizing security systems (2019 to 2020)
Major restoration project involving window restorations, roof repairs, and work on stucco, wood and masonry as part of the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program (2017 to 2018)
Exterior painting (2017 to 2018)
Willistead Manor Inc. Board of Directors
The Willistead Manor Inc. Board of Directors acts in a policy-advisory capacity to City Council on the operation of Willistead Manor Inc. In partnership with the City of Windsor, the board looks after acquisitions, community relations, education, event planning, fundraising, and historical items related to Willistead Manor. The current directorate includes:
Douglas Sanborn, Chair
Robert Gauthier, Treasurer
Colleen Gaudette, Secretary
Jim Evans, Past Chairperson
Mary Jane Dettinger
Art Jahns
Robert Jasey
David Langstone
Andalieb Abu-Zahra
Erica Morasset
Donate to support the ongoing restoration and preservation of the Willistead Manor Complex. Join us, and be a part of Willistead Manor’s continuing legacy...
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