Culture Days - create, participate, celebrate!

National Arts, Culture and Heritage Participation Event
September 27, 28 and 29, 2019
Mark your calendars: the 10th annual Culture Days weekend takes place September 27, 28 & 29, 2019!
The City of Windsor, through the Cultural Affairs Office, is co-presenting:
Charmaine Valbuena's Cultural Showcase
Saturday, September 28, 2019
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Windsor International Aquatic & Training Centre
Free Admission
City of Windsor staffer Charmaine Valbuena presents an afternoon Cultural Showcase at the Windsor International Aquatic & Training Centre on Saturday, September 28, 2019 as part of Culture Days. The cultural showcase will feature two hours of musical performances celebrating Windsor's diversity. The event features: the premiere of "A Universal Prayer for Peace" composition by Evan Tanovich, Windsor Classic Chorale, Sun Parlour Chorus, Amelia Daigle, Filipino Community Centre Choir, Leamington Italian Choir, Sunnyside Strings, Essex County Chinese Canadian Association, Eric Bellis & Diana Trussler, and music students, teachers and professionals. Free admission. Everyone is welcome.
Walter Petrichyn's Storytelling at the Chimczuk Museum
Saturday, September 28, 2019
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Museum Windsor's Chimczuk Museum, 401 Riverside Drive West
Free Admission
For the second year in a row, Museum Windsor staffer Walter Petrichyn will present an evening of Storytelling at the Chimczuk Museum as part of Culture Days 2019. This event takes place on Saturday, September 28, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The line-up of local storytellers includes Matt Steckle, Sarah Cipkar, Katherine Richard, Emma Benoit-Gonzalez, Weichun Chang, and Cloee Wroblewska.
About Culture Days
On the last weekend of each September, millions of people across the country attend thousands of free, participatory arts and culture events in their communities and beyond. By profiling hands-on arts and cultural programming and creating direct connections between the public and creators, Culture Days is making arts and culture more accessible and is building measureable support for the sector.
Culture Days works with a wide network of event organizers—from grassroots community volunteers to major arts and culture institutions—to make the weekend a success. With Culture Days offices operating in many provinces and territories, the national organization maintains a Canada-wide scope, while having on-the-ground connection to communities. We provide marketing and industry development resources that lead to greater cultural engagement and manage a multi-tiered advertising campaign that provides a common thread through the variety of events happening over the weekend.