Wall Space Community Art Gallery
Wall Space - Community Art Gallery
wall space: community art gallery is a pilot project administered through the City of Windsor’s Cultural Affairs Office in partnership with City of Windsor community centres.
The Cultural Affairs team works with the community to coordinate and facilitate exciting cultural opportunities for residents and visitors, helping you tell your story of Windsor.
wall space community art gallery is a free space to exhibit and showcase your work in your neighbourhood.
Program objective
In 2017 two City of Windsor Community Centre locations have been selected to kick off wall space: community art gallery.
- Gino and Liz Marcus; 1168 Drouillard Road, Windsor, Ontario, N8Y 2R1
- South Windsor Recreation Complex; 2555 Pulford, Windsor, Ontario, N9E 4H5
Current Exhibitions
- Gino and Liz Marcus: Brock Brian (July 2017)
- South Windsor Recreation Complex: Summer Camp 2017 (August 2017)
Important documents
- Terms and Conditions
- Artist Application
- Space Specs - Gino and Liz Marcus Community Centre
- Space Specs - South Windsor Community Centre
Application Process
wall space: community art gallery is open to all City of Windsor residents, all ages, and all visual mediums (e.g. painting, drawing, cartooning, photography).
- Exhibitions can be by individual artists or by a group of artists (e.g. photography group/class, grade school/high school art class).
- All applicants are required to review the Terms and Conditions and complete the Artist Application form and submit your application to the Cultural Affairs Office by email or mail.
- Once the Wall Space Exhibitions Team has reviewed all applications, an Exhibition Confirmation and Planning Document will be emailed for review. An onsite meeting will discuss exhibition installation and best practices.
For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, please contact the Cultural Affairs Department by email at culturalaffairs@citywindsor.ca. (Please do not contact the community centre.)
You may download all of the required forms. Please see Related Links (right side of this page) for all necessary forms. Terms and Application Terms and Conditions Artist Application Space Specs Gino and Liz Marcus Community Centre South Windsor Community Centre