Windsor West Combined Sewer Overflow Control

The Windsor Riverfront Pollution Control Planning Study (PCP Study), completed by the City in 1999, contains a comprehensive pollution prevention and control plan for the riverfront area of the City of Windsor. The PCP Study identified combined sewer overflows (CSO) to the Detroit River as being a significant source of pollution and presented alternative CSO control strategies while establishing the preferred pollution control plan with four recommended initiatives. Significant progress has been made since completion of the PCP Study. To date, three of the four recommended initiatives have been implemented and are in operation, with the exception of the last remaining recommended initiative implementing a CSO control program for the riverfront catchment area west of Caron Avenue.

The City of Windsor, with funding assistance from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) and from the federal government through the Great Lakes Sustainability Fund has carried out this Class Environmental Assessment (E.A.) as the next step in implementing the last remaining initiative recommended in the PCP study as well as wet weather flow control at the Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant (LRWRP). The nature of the recommended undertaking is such that the project is identified as and being conducted as a Schedule C project under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process for Municipal Water and Wastewater Projects (Municipal Engineers Association, October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015). The Environmental Study Report has been completed and is contained herein on this website for review by the public. This Environmental Study Report documents the planning and decision-making process, starting with identification of the problem through to selection of the preferred design concept.

View the report, Windsor Riverfront West CSO Study Report (50 MB - large file).

Further information may be obtained from the City of Windsor or the Consulting Engineer:

City of Windsor
4155 Ojibway Parkway
Windsor, Ontario N9C 4A5

Tel: (519) 253-7217
Fax: (519) 253-0464

Mr. Ed Valdez, P. Eng.
Manager of Process Engineering & Maintenance

Stantec Consulting Ltd.
140 Ouellette Place, Suite 100
Windsor ON N8X 1L9

Tel: (519) 966-2250
Fax: (519) 966-5523

Dr. Jian Li, P. Eng.
Consultant Project Manager