Leaving Work to Vote
Employee – absence from work
An elector whose hours of employment are such that they would not otherwise have three consecutive hours to vote on voting day is entitled to be absent from work for as long as is necessary to allow that time.
Employee – Absence – Employer Convenience
The absence shall be timed to suit the employer’s convenience as much as possible.
Employee – Absence – No deduction – Penalty
The employer shall not make a deduction from the employee’s pay or impose any other penalty for the absence from work.
Office of the City Clerk
Suite 530 - 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
N9A 6S1
Phone: For general election information, call 311.
For detailed election inquiries, please call (519) 255-6222 ext. 6285.
Fax: (519) 255-6868
Email: clerkselections@citywindsor.ca