Accessible Voting

The City Clerk is responsible for the proper legislative and administrative conduct of municipal elections in the City of Windsor.

In an effort to make the 2022 Municipal Election accessible to electors and candidates, the City Clerk has established Procedures Governing the Provision of Election Information and Services to Persons with Disabilities. This will ensure that persons with disabilities have an equal opportunity to fully participate in the voting process:

  1. Electors and candidates with disabilities have full and equal access to all election information and services.
  2. Persons with disabilities have full access to voting places.
  3. Persons with disabilities are able to independently and privately mark their ballot and have access to alternative methods of voting assistance.
In accordance with section 12.1(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, the City of Windsor has completed the Accessibility Initiatives for the 2022 Municipal Election Report.


  • At the voting station, a person my bring someone to translate for them.
  • This person cannot be a candidate or scrutineer.
  • This person must swear an oath that they will truthfully translate any communication between the voter and the election officials.
  • Interpreters may not go behind the voting screen or assist the person with voting, unless they take an oath of a friend of the elector.

Assistive Devices

  • Magnifying sheets will be provided at every voting station.
  • Advance voting days will have an AutoMark assist terminal available to persons with disabilities to aid in the voting process. This unit is a paper ballot-marking technology that allows voters with disabilities and other special needs to mark their ballot privately and independently. The machine allows the voter to mark his/her ballot with the following options:
    • Touch Screen, tactile buttons with Braille that can also be changed to a high contrast and has a zoom feature
    • Sip/puff tube
    • Rocker paddle
    • Listening to the choices through headphones

Assistance with Ballot Marking

  • Election officials working at the voting station can assist a person with voting. If a friend is brought along, the voter must swear an oath that they require assistance, and their friend must swear an oath that they will vote as the person instructed them to.

The City of Windsor is committed to providing excellent customer service, and feedback from our community assists us in reaching our goal.

Accessible customer service feedback may be provided in any of the following methods:

  • By contacting the 311 Call Centre
    Telephone: 311
    TTY: 1-866-488-9311
  • In writing
    Mail to:
    City of Windsor
    c/o 311 Customer Service
    Suite 410, 400 City Hall Square East
    Windsor, Ontario, Canada
    N9A 7K6
  • In person at any service counter.

Learn more about accessible customer service at the City of Windsor.

Office of the City Clerk
Suite 530 - 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
N9A 6S1
Phone: For general election information, call 311.
For detailed election inquiries, please call (519) 255-6222 ext. 6285.
Fax: (519) 255-6868