Third Party Info

What is a third party advertisement for the 2022 Municipal Election?

  • A third party advertisement is an advertisement in any broadcast, print, electronic or other medium that has the purpose of promoting, supporting or opposing a candidate or a yes/no question.

How do I register as a third party advertiser for the 2022 Municipal Election?

  • Please call the Elections Office at 519-255-6100, extension 6578 to make an appointment to register as a third party advertiser.

Third Party Forms

Form 5 Financial Statement - Subsequent Expenses (To be completed by a Third Party who incurs costs related to a recount, controverted election or compliance audit after the supplementary campaign period has passed, and who receives the surplus funds from their campaign held in trust from the clerk.)

Form 6 Notice of Extension of Campaign Period (To be completed by a Third Party who has a deficit at the end of the regular campaign period and wishes to extend their campaign. Must be filed with the municipal clerk.)

Form 8 Financial Statement and Auditor's Report - Third Party (To be completed by every registered Third Party. Must be filed with the municipal clerk.)

What is the campaign period for registered third parties for the 2022 Municipal Election?

  • The campaign period for a registered third party begins on the day the individual, corporation, or trade union is registered as a registered third party in relation to the 2022 Municipal Election and ends on January 3, 2023.

Can a third party accept contributions?

  • An individual, corporation, or trade union must be a registered third party in order to accept contributions in relation to third party advertisements. A contribution may only be made to a registered third party during the campaign period for the 2022 Municipal Election.
  • A contributor can only be an individual who is normally resident in Ontario, a Corporation that carries on business in Ontario, or a trade union that holds bargaining rights for employees in Ontario.
  • The maximum amount a contributor shall make to a registered third party is $1,200 and cannot exceed a total of $5,000 to two or more registered third parties in the City of Windsor during the 2022 Municipal Election in relation to third party advertisements.

What constitutes a contribution for a third party advertisement in the 2022 Municipal Election?

  • Money, goods and services given to and accepted by an individual, corporation, or trade union in relation to third party advertisements, or given to and accepted by another person who is acting under the direction of the individual, corporation, or trade union, are considered contributions.

What is a third party expense for an election campaign?

  • Costs incurred by or under the direction of an individual, corporation, or trade union for goods or services for use wholly or partly in relation to third party advertisements that appear during the 2022 Municipal Election in the City of Windsor are expenses. Expenses must be incurred only during the campaign period for a registered third party.

Is there a maximum campaign expense amount related to third party expenses and a maximum amount for parties of appreciation after the election?

  • During the restricted period for third party advertisements, the expenses of a registered third party in relation to third party advertisements that appear during an election in the City of Windsor shall not exceed an amount calculated by the City Clerk using the prescribed formula.
  • The expenses of a registered third party relating to the cost of holding parties and making other expressions of appreciation after the close of voting cannot exceed an amount calculated by the City Clerk in accordance with a prescribed formula.
  • The City Clerk will issue a certificate to each third party to outline the maximum amounts described above. An estimated amount will be issued on a certificate to the third party at the time of registration and a final amount will be issued on or before September 26, 2022.

Does a registered third party have to file a financial statement for the 2022 Municipal Election?

  • A registered third party must file a financial statement and auditor’s report with the City Clerk, on the prescribed form on or before the filing date of March 31, 2023, no later than 2:00pm.

Where can I get more information on election campaign finance rules?

  • Please check the with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing website for upcoming information.

Office of the City Clerk
Suite 530 - 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9A 6S1

Phone: For general election information, call 311.
For detailed election inquiries, please call (519) 255-6100 x6285
Fax: (519) 255-6868

2022 Third Party Advertisers Guide Municipal Elections 2022