Meeting Investigation
General Information
Part V.1 of the Municipal Act as amended through Bill 130 reflects new legislation for municipalities respecting accountability and transparency. Effective January 1, 2008, the new Act includes the authority for a municipality to:
- Appoint an Investigator with respect to meetings.
City of Windsor By-law 248-2007 appoints Local Authority Services Ltd. (LAS) as the investigator pursuant to Section 8, 9, 10 and 239.1 of the Municipal Act as amended in the city of Windsor.
Provides the public the opportunity to request an investigation of any meeting of Council, a committee of Council or a local board or commission, to determine if there has been compliance with rules of procedure and/or legislation.
Individuals requesting a meeting investigation must complete the Meeting Investigation Request Form.
Completed forms are to be submitted to the following:
- City of Windsor
Council Services
350 City Hall Square West, Room 530
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1
The City Clerk's office will contact and provide LAS with the request form and any background documentation required by the investigators for review/investigation.
Please click for additional information about the LAS Investigator Program and Investigation Request Process.
For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, please contact the Council Services Department at (519) 255-6222 ext. 6285 by phone or by email.