How to apply for Birth Certificate / Death Certificate
Applying for a Birth or Death Certificate
(For an Event that Occurred in Ontario)
You can download the following applications in portable document format (PDF):
- Request for Birth Certificate (256K)
- Request for Death Certificate (176K)
Applications are available at the following Windsor locations (please allow approximately 6 - 8 weeks for the processing of your application):
- Office of the City Clerk,Vital Statistics
Suite 110 - 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1 Service Ontario/Government Information Centre
400 City Hall Square East, 2nd Floor
Suite 205
Windsor, ON N9A 7K6
Mail application with cheque or money order in the prescribed amount made payable to the Minister of Finance or by credit card to the:
Office of the Registrar General
Thunder Bay Office
P.O. Box 4600
189 Red River Road
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6LB
An online Birth Certificate Application is now available for children and adults through both the Service Ontario website and the Ministry of Government Services website. The applications submitted online will be processed and delivered in 15 business days with a money-back guarantee for applications that are complete and accurate.
If you have any questions regarding the Birth Certificate Application, please contact the Service Ontario-800-267-8097 at or the Office of the Registrar General at 1-800-461-2156.
Emergency Service
- Emergency Service is available at the public counter of Toronto's office (see below) with proper proof of urgency. Two full business days are required to process emergency service applications, excluding delivery. Please note there is a $15 emergency service surcharge for each document requested.
- Registrar General of Ontario
900 Bay Street
Room M2/49
MacDonald Block
Parliament Buildings
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1X5