Proof of Insurance
Proof of insurance is required by individuals or organizations that supply goods or services or use City property/facilities as stated in their contract, purchase order, agreement, permit, licence or other form of agreement. The details of the insurance requirements are set out in the agreement, subject to the requirements of the City's Risk Management Division.
The City requires that its Standard Certificate of Insurance forms be completed in the following circumstances:
When providing proof of General Liability and/or Automobile Insurance only - General Standard Certificate of Insurance form (Excel spreadsheet)
Construction Projects - Construction Standard Certificate of Insurance form (Excel spreadsheet)
Sidewalk Cafes - Sidewalk Cafe Standard Certificate of Insurance form (Excel spreadsheet)
The Standard Certificate of Insurance forms require the following sections to be filled out:
Insured Information
Full Legal Name of Insured, including insured's mailing address, phone and fax number. Note that the insured must be the same party that entered into the agreement.
Type of Insurance and Limits of Liability - this is set out in the agreement and is subject to the requirements of the City's Risk Management Department. Requirements vary.
Insurance Policy and Policy Number - the policy must extend coverage into Canada and must be issued by an insurer licensed to provide insurance coverage within the Province of Ontario.
Effective and expiry dates - the coverage must cover the period of time contemplated by the Agreement.
Additional Insured
All insurance certificates must list "The Corporation of the City of Windsor" as additional insured where required. "The Windsor Police Services Board" or "Your Quick Gateway" may also need to be listed as Additional insured.
Event, Description, Location, Automobiles, Special Items
List RFP, Tender, Purchase Order, contract number, or date and location of work, event, project, etc. and any other details regarding the Agreement or coverage.
Certificate Authorization
To be filled in and signed by an authorized insurance representative.
For all other types of insurance, the City is currently accepting Certificates of Insurance on forms provided by insurers/brokers, provided that the Certificates of Insurance meet the requirements as set out in the agreement, as determined by Risk Management.
If you have any questions, you may contact your City contact person, or you may contact the Risk Management Division (519) 255-6100 ext. 6148 or