City of Windsor Declaration and Indemnity Form
For purposes of satisfying the requirements of Regulation 105 of the Income Tax Act, The Corporation of the City of Windsor (“City”) may require, in its sole and unfettered discretion, that either a waiver from Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) or a Declaration and Indemnity, satisfactory in form and content to the City, be provided for all work or services performed for the City. Failure to provide either the waiver or the Declaration and Indemnity, immediately upon request, shall result in the City deducting or otherwise withholding from payment, 15% of the value owing for remittance to CRA.
For all non-resident vendors performing a service, please note CRA Regulation 105 rules will apply.
For more information on “Rendering services in Canada,” “Non-resident rendering services in Canada” or “Regulation 105 waiver application,” please visit
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