Saltillo, Mexico
Website: Saltillo, Mexico Website
Saltillo is the capital city in the state of Coahuila in Northern Mexico and has a population of approximately 709,671 residents. It is an old colonial city with a rich history combined with modern industries and rapid development. Saltillo is known for many things. Throughout its history, it has been referred to as “Las Atenas de Mexico" (the Athens of Mexico) because of the important cultural and educational centre it has provided Mexico with and the "La Ciudad del Clima Ideal" (The City of Perfect Climate) due to the balanced weather it receives year-round. Saltillo stands out as a must visit in northern Mexico due to its industrial, agricultural, and commercial activities, as well as its architectural heritage and tourist attractions, such as the Palacio de Gobierno and the Cathedral of Saltillo. Today the city is a government centre and a flourishing educational centre, as well as a manufacturing city with big corporations and factories producing chemicals, metals, auto parts and trucks.
Windsor has a history of Mexican and Latino residents in the area, and Spanish is one the top five languages that residents of Leamington and Windsor identify as their mother tongue. In 2014, Windsor and Saltillo celebrated their 20-year anniversary as twin cities. Cross-cultural exchanges have occurred since the development of this relationship between both cities, the strongest of which is the study-abroad exchange that takes place between the University of Windsor and universities residing in Mexico.