
Windsor Arena Closing Advisory Committee Minutes (Archived)

Please note: Information available under Archived Committees is offered for reference purposes only, as these committees are no longer active.

City Council at its meeting held October 6, 2014 adopted M393-2014 (Report No. 2 of the Windsor Arena Closing Advisory Committee) which disbanded this Committee.

To view the minutes of the Windsor Arena Closing Advisory Committee, click on the date of interest below. The document will open as a PDF:

July 31, 2013

Council Services Department
350 City Hall Square West, Room 203
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1
Telephone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call (519) 255-6222, extension 6430.
Fax: (519) 255-6868
Email: clerks@citywindsor.ca