Written Submissions and Delegations
The City of Windsor encourages you to submit your perspective in writing to the Office of the City Clerk by 12:00 o'clock noon on Friday, January 20, 2023 before the meeting. Your letter or e-mail will be copied and distributed to the Council for review, and become part of the public record. For any written submission request after this deadline, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at (519) 255-6432 for your request to be considered.
Alternatively, you can register as a delegation and be permitted to speak for a maximum of five minutes before the 2023 Operating Budget Review Committee on Monday, January 23, 2023 at 9:00 o'clock a.m. You must register by 12:00 o'clock noon on the Friday before the meeting to be listed as a delegate. For any registration after the noon deadline, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at (519) 255-6432 for your request to be considered. All delegations will be in person, electronic will not be available. The 2023 Operating Budget Review Committee Meetings will take place in Room 204, 350 City Hall Square W., Windsor, ON.
Office of the City Clerk
Council Agenda Coordinator
Suite 530, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario N9A 6S1
Council Agenda Coordinator
Suite 530, 350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, Ontario N9A 6S1
Call Council Agenda Coordinator at (519) 255-6432, or fax 519-255-6868, or
E-mail clerks@citywindsor.ca, or
Register to be a delegation on-line by clicking E-Services.
E-mail clerks@citywindsor.ca, or
Register to be a delegation on-line by clicking E-Services.