Delegation List for Council Meetings

The following person(s) contacted the Clerk’s Office to register as a delegation:

    • This page will be updated when a person registers as a delegation to a City Council meeting.

    The following person(s) contacted the Clerk’s Office to register as a delegation 

    after the Friday 12:00 o’clock noon deadline:

    In accordance with Section 10.9 of the Procedure By-law, a simple majority vote of Council is required to hear the late delegation(s)

    • This page will be updated when a person registers LATE as a delegation to a City Council meeting.

    Excerpt from the City of Windsor Procedure By-law 98-2011 - A By-law to provide rules governing the proceedings of Windsor City Council meetings and its committees and the conduct of its members:

    Part 10-Delegations:

    •  "The Clerk shall not register a delegation unless there is a specific item listed on the Order of Business to which the delegate has a bona fide interest and wishes to address Council/Committee. Any person who wishes to appear before Council shall make application to the Clerk by the Friday preceding the Council meeting, 12:00 noon, to be placed on the Order of Business to appear before Council at the meeting at which it will be dealing with the item of interest to the delegate. A written brief is encouraged and, if submitted to the Clerk by noon on the Friday preceding the Council meeting, shall be copied and distributed as 'Delegation' submissions to Council members. A maximum of 5 minutes shall be allotted for each delegation to present his/her position of support or opposition to the relevant item on the Order of Business. Where there are numerous delegates taking the same position on a matter, they are encouraged to select a spokesperson to present their views."

    Council Services Department
    Windsor City Hall
    Suite 530 - 350 City Hall Square West
    Windsor, Ontario
    N9A 6S1

    For general information, call 311
    For detailed inquiries, or to be listed as a delegation, call Council Agenda Coordinator at (519) 255-6432 or
    Fax (519) 255-6868 or
    Email or
    Register to be a delegation online by clicking e-services