Source Water Protection Areas

Address: City-wide
Applicant: Corporation of the City of Windsor
File No: OPA 190 (OPA 7256)

The purpose of this Official Plan amendment is to update the policies in the City of Windsor Official Plan specific to the implementation of the Ontario Clean Water Act and applicable Source Protection Plan. The Province of Ontario introduced the Clean Water Act in 2006 with the mandate to create Source Protection Plans with the goal of providing a framework and policies to reduce the risk posed by water quality and quantity threats to sources of drinking water. 

The Essex Region Source Protection Plan (SPP) was implemented in 2015, and as part of the plan, municipalities are required to periodically update their planning documents to integrate the policies of the Source Protection Plan (SPP). The complete Source Protection Plan and mapping can be found at the following link: Source Water Protection Resource Library (Essex Region Conservation).

The proposed City of Windsor Official Plan amendments include the following:

  • A new map (Schedule K: Source Water Protection Areas) in the Official Plan as required under the Source Protection Plan. Mapping includes vulnerable areas identified as "Intake Protection Zones" (IPZs), "Highly Vulnerable Aquifers" (HVAs) and "Significant Groundwater Recharge Areas" (SGRAs),
  • Amendments to Chapter 5 - Environment in Volume I of the City of Windsor Official Plan to reference the Source Water Protection Policies,
  • Updating definitions in the Official Plan to align with the Source Water Protection Policies

Associated Documents:

For detailed inquiries, contact:

Frank Garardo
MCIP, RPP Senior Planner
City of Windsor Planning & Building Services
Phone: 519-255-6543 ext. 6446